Today I'm staying over Tobis house. We're gonna make some CD-Rs for
Fuck, Wolves! I think we're going to make about 50 or so, with paper cases which will be spray painted from a stencil he's going to make. It should be a lot of fun. Stay tuned for that, and when the songs are recorded, (shitily) I'll post the demo up on here for download.

While I was in the States about a week ago, I visited a record store, Vintage Vinyl, in St. Louis. I'm not sure if they have a web site or not, look it up. Anyways, while they don't have much in the way of underground punk, (sure they had all the oldies; Black Flag, DK, ect ect) they made up for that in their astounding Jazz collection, and a few more modern indie bands. While I was there I got John Coltrane- "A Love Supreme", Against Me!- "As The Eternal Cowboy", Hot Watever Music (one of my favorite bands)- More Fuel For the Hate Game (14th pressing or something like that, haha) and Of Montreal-"Satanic Panic in the Attic." What I want to get at here is a somewhat new concept that I think is really great. Of Montreals record came with a paper insert with a code on it that lets you download the album for free because I purchased it on vinyl. While I lost this coupon somwhere at my friends house in the States, (FUCK) I applaud
Polyvinyl Records for this move. While I support downloading music free of consequence whole-heartidly, I find this idea to be genious because, this way, I can buy records on vinyl for my home collection, and then use the download code for my computer and iPod (oh wait, that was stolen. FUCK.)
I'm not sure if other labels do this, but I think this should be a move towards progress be a move that all independent music distributers should partake in. I have some obscure 7"s that I would really like in mp3 format, and I cant find them on SLSK, which is lame. Also, check out Polyvinyls roster, they have some great bands, with a lot of indie pop (Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Of Montreal) and indie-emo (Braid, Joan of Arc.) Hot shit.
Also, if you ever happen to be in the St. Louis area (...) check out
Subterranean Books. They're a great little indie book store packed full of interesting books and shit I wish I had the money to splurge on. I bought a couple books, but there were so many there I had always been looking for, or that just looked really cool. The dude working there was cool too, we had a little chat about Daniel Johnston, (he was wearing a "Hi, How Are You?" shirt) of all people.

There's actually some cool shit in St. Louis if you know where to look. I was even invited to join a nomadic group of hipsters. I politely declined, but just imagine what that would have been like.
Today's featured record is another one of my long-time favorites; Comadres "Burn Your Bones."

Shit, everyone knows and loves Comadre, but no one as much as me. I actually had the chance to play a show with them about a month ago. They were all super kind and humbling dudes with a nice sense of humor. Agh, great fucking band. Listen to this album right now, it does everything right: fast, catchy, smart, loud hardcore/screamo hybrid.
Download it here: